St. Louis……..what a city! Museums and parks and trains and buses and stores and…..oh my goodness! I forgot about the Gateway Arch!! This is nicknamed “The Crown of St. Louis”, and I can understand that!! The Arch is 630ft tall and 630ft wide! It is the biggest Arch in the U.S.A!!!! To get to the top, you have to ride the teensy tiny tram. The picture below shows you what it looks like. It takes 4 minutes to get up to the top and 3 minutes to go down. Afterwards, grab a Junior Ranger Book and head to the museum. Bring a sweatshirt because it is VERY cold!! Once you complete all the items, go turn your book in and earn your badge!! Be sure to stop by the gift shop on the way out. I rate the Gateway Arch National Park a 5 out of 5!!!!!

That is a great engineering feat. I will probability stay on the ground.
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Omg I would love to visit the arch
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