Going to the Jamestown Settlement was so much fun!!! But first, let me tell you how this blog post is going to work. Instead of describing it all, I’m going to explain the picture and what we learned and what we did in that photo. I’m going to work from the top down. Pic #1: we were in the Native American re-creation village. The way the used to crush things was to put it in a log a use a stick to mash it. I got to mash up some corn, which the Native Americans would use to make cornbread. Pic #2: we went to a glass blowing demonstration! It was really cool to see how glass bottles, cups, and ornaments are made. The guy in the picture had just lifted the first layer of glass out of the 2,000˚ furnace. Pic #3: we saw a musket demonstration, and in the picture, he is loading the gunpowder to shoot the gun. Pic #4: in the village, we saw how they made canoes. The would burn the middle, then scrape out the carvings with some big shells. Pic #5: these are the recreated ships that the English came over on. You could go on the ships, go down where everyone slept, steer the ship, and more!!! Pic #6: we were looking at the type of things that the Native Americans would trade to the colonists. Fur, pearls, beads, toys, etc. Pic #7: the re-created town of Jamestown. Pic #8: Me looking cool in some old-fashioned armor. I hope that you will go to Jamestown, it’s worth it!!